I have to pause this morning to do something very important. Publicly shame Congressman Charlie Rangel. I would also publicly shame Bill and Hillary, but they’re not even worth my time.
The dealings of this political election thus far have pretty much shown people’s asses. Whether it is Hillary Clinton demonstrating not only her inability to appear human and connect with voters, but also displaying just how desperate she and her has-been husband area, or black people disappointing me. Now, I’m not saying you HAVE to support Obama as a black person. But I am saying that unless you have good reason not to, why wouldn’t you?
Oh yeah, that’s right. The same reason why some black people don’t want to be seen by black doctors. The same reason why, when a black man was elected mayor of her all black suburb, a girl I knew said “I don’t know, I just don’t know if he can do it”. And the same reason why pathetic black men will argue for hours and list reason after reason as to why they are open to dating non-black women (I once argued with two losers for 4 hours about this, so I wont get started on the subject). But you know what? I’m used to that, and as sad as it is, its to be expected. I mean, I’ve never witnessed any other race of men sit around and list their thousand reasons for seeking women outside their race, but again, I digress. I understand there are social and political roots to black American self-hatred, so please don’t hit me with the “but you just don’t understand . . .”
Anyway, moving on. Here we are in 2008, with Barack Obama campaigning to run for president. And here with are in 2008, with people like Charlie Rangel, with the conked ridiculousness that is his hair and blind lust after the Hillary, and her husband, ‘the first black president’ (rolling my eyes) Clinton. I’ve ignored the black politicians who have gone on CNN and declared the danger of supporting a black candidate because of his race. As I said before, I am not advocating anybody support anybody else on the basis of racial identity alone. But I don’t think you need to be up on CNN talking about it. Just endorse who you believe in, and move on. Trust me, you’re not gaining any points in racist white people’s minds by saying something like that.
Back to the permed negro Rangel. This whole conversation about Obama and Clinton sparring over race has really annoyed me, firstly because I think the racial undertones are pretty one-sided (Clinton), secondly, it’s a distraction from the real issues that need to be talked about (you know the foreclosure crisis, the credit crunch, the economy in general, healthcare, education, Iraq, blah, blah, blah), and three, and most importantly—it will create further polarization on the basis of race, making Obama the “black (read: bad) guy”. So here comes this negro (who, admittedly, has done a lot of good work), jumping in the debate, and vehemently calling Obama’s remarks “absolutely stupid” on NY1. Maybe Rangel just wanted some press. Maybe he was in a bad mood because he had burns on his scalp from his perm. Who knows.
But I have to shame him for perpetuating the conversation on race, for jumping into the Obama/Clinton MLK/President Johnson conversation, and for sitting there with a conk and being the prototypical crab in a barrel.
I mean, you don’t see Eddie Murphy talking sh it about Bobby Brown, do you?
The dealings of this political election thus far have pretty much shown people’s asses. Whether it is Hillary Clinton demonstrating not only her inability to appear human and connect with voters, but also displaying just how desperate she and her has-been husband area, or black people disappointing me. Now, I’m not saying you HAVE to support Obama as a black person. But I am saying that unless you have good reason not to, why wouldn’t you?
Oh yeah, that’s right. The same reason why some black people don’t want to be seen by black doctors. The same reason why, when a black man was elected mayor of her all black suburb, a girl I knew said “I don’t know, I just don’t know if he can do it”. And the same reason why pathetic black men will argue for hours and list reason after reason as to why they are open to dating non-black women (I once argued with two losers for 4 hours about this, so I wont get started on the subject). But you know what? I’m used to that, and as sad as it is, its to be expected. I mean, I’ve never witnessed any other race of men sit around and list their thousand reasons for seeking women outside their race, but again, I digress. I understand there are social and political roots to black American self-hatred, so please don’t hit me with the “but you just don’t understand . . .”
Anyway, moving on. Here we are in 2008, with Barack Obama campaigning to run for president. And here with are in 2008, with people like Charlie Rangel, with the conked ridiculousness that is his hair and blind lust after the Hillary, and her husband, ‘the first black president’ (rolling my eyes) Clinton. I’ve ignored the black politicians who have gone on CNN and declared the danger of supporting a black candidate because of his race. As I said before, I am not advocating anybody support anybody else on the basis of racial identity alone. But I don’t think you need to be up on CNN talking about it. Just endorse who you believe in, and move on. Trust me, you’re not gaining any points in racist white people’s minds by saying something like that.
Back to the permed negro Rangel. This whole conversation about Obama and Clinton sparring over race has really annoyed me, firstly because I think the racial undertones are pretty one-sided (Clinton), secondly, it’s a distraction from the real issues that need to be talked about (you know the foreclosure crisis, the credit crunch, the economy in general, healthcare, education, Iraq, blah, blah, blah), and three, and most importantly—it will create further polarization on the basis of race, making Obama the “black (read: bad) guy”. So here comes this negro (who, admittedly, has done a lot of good work), jumping in the debate, and vehemently calling Obama’s remarks “absolutely stupid” on NY1. Maybe Rangel just wanted some press. Maybe he was in a bad mood because he had burns on his scalp from his perm. Who knows.
But I have to shame him for perpetuating the conversation on race, for jumping into the Obama/Clinton MLK/President Johnson conversation, and for sitting there with a conk and being the prototypical crab in a barrel.
I mean, you don’t see Eddie Murphy talking sh it about Bobby Brown, do you?
I mean gees amen!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with these people???? It must be the perm. I do not know what that BET DUDE said but have a feeling it will annoy me to hell and back.. Geeesh I hope all this drama hits Hillary in the face. I would vote for Obama just because he is black. People have been voting white forever and noone asked question. No one is aking questions today pshhh I am so over her and tactics
BTW Great Great blog
Amen - absolutely! Here are my thoughts:
- Hilary: no two words more encapsulate her campaign than manipulation and desperation
- Rangel: Charlie is already head of the powerful Ways and Means committee, so why go out of his way to attack Obama? It is distressing to me when white America uses the old "if a black guy makes ridiculous, baseless remarks about black people he can't be labeled a racist, so let's get us a black guy to say it for us" - i.e. Bob Johnson, Ward Connerly, et. al. I'm tired of it and it is sooooo transparent!
- Obama: I am definitely supporting this man both because he is competent and because he is black (yes, the "one-drop rule" is still societally enforced, so while I'm at it I'm taking credit for Tiger too).
- Leadership/Experience - A leader needs to have a vision and show good JUDGMENT (something Hilary has lacked). While I'm on the topic, what 35 years of experience is Hilary talking about? If she hadn't married the President, it's safe to say she would not have been a Senator, nor a presidential candidate, but some unknown, divorced lawyer in Arkansas - give me a break on your vast "experience". It is overated anyway!
Okay, I can go have breakfast now.
Wonderful post, u summed up everything I've been pissed off about in the last week! And might I add to the experience/leadership, Obama has been elected into many more public offices that Hilary. She can keep that 35 yrs stuff to herself, we see right through it! Thank you 4 this blog!
This is a link to what Bob Johnson said, ooooooooh this ticked me off! : http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/17/clinton.obama/index.html#cnnSTCVideo
Great NYTimes article on Experience and Great Presidents...and of course calling out Hilary on the "35 years of baloney"
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