She's black, so you won't see her on CNN or MSNBC. But I'll discuss that another day.
Her name is Adriana Warwell, and here are her stats:
DOB: Nov 21, 1997
Missing: Nov 24, 2007
Age Now: 10
Sex: Female
Race: Black/Hisp
Hair: BrownEyes: Brown
Height: 147 cm (4'9")
Weight: 34 kg (75 lbs)
Missing From:MISSOURI CITY TX United States
Missing: Nov 24, 2007
Age Now: 10
Sex: Female
Race: Black/Hisp
Hair: BrownEyes: Brown
Height: 147 cm (4'9")
Weight: 34 kg (75 lbs)
Missing From:MISSOURI CITY TX United States
Here is a link to more information, including who you should contact if you have any information:
Spread the word!
I found this blog by accident, and when I looked at it tears instantly came to my eyes. Not b/c I've written similar blogs about missing black people, but because she is my niece. Just when I thought nobody cared I came across your page and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for caring.
My neighbor called me and told me there was a missing girl in the paper that looked just like my daughter. when I got to work I had three of the papers on my desk and 7 emails from co-workers. When I saw the picture I cried, when I showed it to my husband and daughter they cried. I pray and I will be a vessel for her family as an interssesor to Jesus Christ for her safe return. May God bless her family
i just wanted to say thank you. i am adriana's mother and my sister told me about your site a few months ago, it has taken me a while because this has been a very hard situation. thank you so much for putting this out there. bianca
Adriana was found last November. Thank you for your prayers.
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