I always knew something was wrong with Kansas, and this confirms it. Now, I'll admit. When I heard Heath Ledger had died, I immediately thought of Clint Eastwood, and while I was sad, I was like "Ehh, he lived a fairly long life. Not so devastating . . .". Well, after being shamed by my much more pop-culture savvy friend, I learned that Heath Ledger was in fact 28, and the father of a toddler, making the situation a lot more tragic.
Anyway, the guy is dead, right? And here come the crazy people. And yup, they're from Kansas. And yes, they're radical Christians. Crazy, Christian, and from Kansas. A very bad combination indeed. And you thought Islamic Extremists in Fallujah were to blame for all of the world's problems!
So these crazy people in Kansas sat around an decided that because Heath Ledger played a gay man in a movie, he doesn't deserve the respect one would afford any other dead person, or even, say, a dead laboratory rat. They 've decided to protest his funeral during a family-building outing with other members of the Westboro Baptist Church. Because thats what all good Christians do, right? Launch graveside assaults against mourning individuals because the deceased had the nerve to play a gay actor in a movie. God Bless America!
This is what one of the progressive church members had to say:
"He (Ledger) got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay". Did he really? Or did he get on that big screen and say his lines from the script? I don't recall Heath Ledger saying that God is a liar, or that its okay to be gay, but I do think that its NOT okay to be that crazy, and meet up with a bunch of other crazy folks in the name of religion.
Just my thoughts though. As well, I guess they might protest my funeral too. For shame.
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